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Episode 50 : Dooms Day

The episode , No.50 is described as the dooms day of the earth. This episode is the one before the last episode 51.The  decisive battle between human being and invaders.SGM members are controlled alike marionetts by invaders. As the actors are required to  perform as invaders, we must watch the actors' rare performances !


The invaders ,tenaciously kept attacking SGM & Mirrorman, finally plotted a terrible project that they intentionally collided their home planet X to the earth. The earth would be destroyed into pieces, but they figured the broken pieces would be on the same orbit of the earth, available for the invaders to live forever.


Dr.Mitarai caught the info about their plots,. To cope wth the terrible disasters. with other international scientists, they harried to establish a new basement which enabled to destroy the planet X - Anti-gravity device.


Suddenly they lost sense as if they were in long slumber. Invaders were able to get the chance to possess SGM members bodies and control their minds like marionette. Their return to SGM basement made Mitarai. pleasant. But Mitarai felt something different from the SGM members 'behavior and response


Kotaro returned from the basement under construction

to find Asako was tied up with rope and Nomura gaged.

He resqued them and succeeded in stopping the timer bomb.


Kyotaro transformed into Mirrorman and harried to the Anti gravity device basement.

It was "Eleking" that waited for Mirrorman.EleKing dispersed high voltage electricty from its dody.

Mirrroman's weak point is high electric current.He shot Mirror kinves ,blasting the  generater  horns of electricity. The monster ran away to the underground.


The eerie voices of invaders roared through a small robot, “Within 10 days, the planet X would  surely collide the earth” .In fact ,with telescope, far from the earth, everyone could see the planet radiating the creepy red light.


The crafty invaders plotted another program so that their plot would be successful . Mirarai scramble Jumbo Phoenix to intercept the spaceship of invaders. With much cloud, SGM members had difficulties in recognizing the spaceship in the sky. Then, a flash light dispersed from invaders’ ship ,and SGM members were stunned with it. .


At  the SGM basement,Asako unintentionally passed through the rader room to find the figure of an invader.Almost choked, she contacted Murakami Chief, but unfortunately Murakami was also another invader! She shout! Mitarai rushed to her but, he was gagged by Murakami & Fujimoto and with ropes, he was tied up to the pilot seat of Jumbo Phoenix.What was worse. the invaders attacked Nomura and set the timer bomb to destroy the SGM basement! Murakami  told Mitrai only 5 minitutes before the time bomber exploded.



On the other hand,Mirriorman

was annoyed by the missile attacks from Jumbo Phoenix taken over by the invaders.

Mirrorman caught Jumbo Phoenix in the air,and fired Mirroreye ray.

The invaders posessing SGM members's bodies were dispelled .The SGM members returned sanity.




On TV, Dr,Mitarai specially announced the collision was approaching but  they were trying to stop invaders plots with new device. He requested all people on the earth to calm down ,not to be in panic. The only 5days left until the dooms day


To be contined to episode 51


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