The review of Mirrorman for overseas fans.

One day,Kyototaro saw a nightmare that Jumbo Phoenix fought a battle with Mirrorman and both of them exploded.It was unbelievable,but the invader announced it would not be dream but this would happen in the near future.
This episode No.34 & No.35 are the special ones, because they were televised during the summer holidays for school children. In summer holidays, TV program are more competitive to get the more audiences than usual days. What we have to watch in the programs is Mr.Kentaro Kudo’s exquisite performances, it is not exaggeration to say the two episodes exist for his performances. I suggest you watch him carefully and you will know how the actors in those days are enthusiastic. Mr.Syunya Wazaki also showsSamurai Spirits in cool ways, well supporting Kudo’s actions. The two actors took a great role in making this program - they are the Samurais of Mirrorman !
Episode 34: S.G.M vs Mirrorman

In SGM basement,they caught an object which fell over the sky rapidly. It falls to the ground soon,scattering some thing like poisonous gas .The place was Asahi new town, new apartment house residence.With the gas,the inhabitants suffered and fell down one by one.Strangely, in spite of the tragedy. the appearances of the residence remain as if nothing happened.

SGM dispatched Jumbo Phoenix ,but they could not discover any monster and spaceship at all- the mystery just deepened.
Kyototaro found a milk delivery man laying dead , but afterwards the man ,as if nothing happened,rode a bicycle and the figure disappeared in front of him.
SGM members further reseached in vain.

Kyotaro told these stories to Dr. Mitarai.
Dr. Mitarai strongly warned Kyotaro not to get on a stratagem of invader at all,but Kyotaro,in defiance of the advice of the doctor, he decided the destruction of the residence which seems to be the secret base of the invader.
The human type invaders attacked Kyotaro again.Kyotaro noticed all the residence was ocuppied by the invaders.
Kyotaro transformed himself into Mirrorman , beginning to destroy the buildings. Informed of the report of the destruction,the self defense force started an attack to Mirrorman considered to be insain.


Dr.Mitarai asked the commander of the force not to attack mirror man, but the mysterious rays were fired from a street garden light . and a fighter was shot down .


Fujimoto on jumbo Phoenix watched it, insisting Mirrorman fired the rays. He told Murakami that Mirrorman became insain and his mind was out of order. Though Murakami stopped Fujimoto to go,he boared the 2nd unit jet fighter of Jambo Phoenix and fired missiles to Miirrorman .Mirrorman received missile strikes. Mirrorman asked Fujimoto to stop it t but he kept shooting missiles .At last,Mirroman fell down to the ground.

Once the invaders recongnized Mirrorman laying to the ground.they let the monster,"MoguraKing"
The moment,Fujimoto noticed his error :Mirrorman was not insain.!
Fujimoto was deeply ashamed of his reckless behaivior,but 、too late,the situations were worst!


Through TV moniter,Dr.Mitarai and other SGM members were much concerned with this tragedy.
But, there was nothing for them to do except praying for Mirrorman.
To be continued to Episode 35