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Episode 11 : Defeat the monster,Zairas

This episode , No.11 is describing the unhappy career of Murakami Chief, showing his frustration and sufferings of the previous accident as well as the reason why he never shoots with any gun. The camera exquisitely took the expressions of Murakami’s agony. Mr. Syunya Wazaki perfomed the situation very well-the scene we must watch. Another point we enjoy in this episode is the action scenes of the SGM vs invaders. Mr.Kudo is showing the very sharp movement. Mr wazaki ,who experienced the active action scenes as a TV hero of “Bouzu kenpou” in1965,also is meeting the directors’ requests very well. This episode is well-balanced between human sufferings and the superb action scenes.





SGM members was pasuing  a shadow on redar screen, It was a spaceship of invaders  from the space.So Dr.mitarai demanded Self Defence Force to Intercept it before landing to the ground.


To defend their life, Mr. Mitarai handed Sol Gun ,a ray gun, invented by DrOkura ,but Murakami Chief showed mixed feeling -he has the unhappy career in his poice detective days.


Kyotaro asked Mittarai why Murakami was reructant to shoot gun.

His secret MIratai  told -

when Murakami  took a great role in police detective,he experienced some mysterios accident; He was pursuing a murder with his coworker, almost touching the back, The moment, it tightly grasped Murakami's coworker and grabed the Murakamis shot gun and finally fired. Strangely the murder disappeared alike mist. It was an  invader. 


At SGM basement,Dr,Mitarai and SGM members  started to investigate the mysterious box,to find a cilinder of some ligud.With bioscope,Mitarai looked into it.Surprisingly  the liqid inculuded very dangerous virus enough to exterminate all human kind on the earth! 



Fujimoto told Kyotaro  to run away ,but some invaders changed their bodies into  the big monster"Zairas"

Instantly Kyoraro transformed himself into Mirrorman to fight against the monster.


Zairas fired.MIrrorman shot Mirrorkinfves. The monster spit out the fie again.Mirrorman defended .

The ballte continued endlessly.  


While Mirrorman's

fight, Murakami &Fujimoto were pursuing the invaders who succeeded in recupturing the virus container.


On the very moment  an invader was about to disappear with the virus box into the space ship,Murakami shot Solgun  ! The invader was melt down!


The intercept succeeded and the ship went down to the ground gradually.Dr.Mitarai commanded Murakami and Fujimoto to go to the  point and analze further.


Murakami and Fujimoto rushed to the landing point, to find some mysterious box on the ground. Returning to the SGM, they further analized. On the return to the SGM basement, many invaders, whose figure are of human being, appeared to re capture the box. Murakami and Fujimoto faced the peril, managed to escape with the assist of Kyotaro, coming over on Helicopter.


The gun was left to the ground,afterwards the police forced Murakami to leave the police  as they decided  he  shot his coworker. From that on,Murakami persuaded himself not to shot any gun anymore. This was why Murakami showed the mixed feeling to Dr.Mitarai.  Dr.Mirarai knows the plots of invaders,so he invited Murakami to join S.G.M and fight together. 


With Dr.Mitarai 's command,Murakami and Fujimoto was sent to the international  virus institute to sterilize the virus.But,on the way ,the invaders appeared again to disturb their behaivior.SGM members fought back,but the siuation got worse.The moment,Kyotaro came over to assist Murakami &Fujimoto.


Zairas was nimble and moved  more  quicly  Mirrorman imaged.It spit out high heat fire from its mouth.And with light sword,It attacked Mirrorman.

Mirrorman defended himself

with defence mirror whose shape was alike sword.  


The moment,Zairas stop the movement ! It was the best timing ! Mirrorman dispersed  "Slicer H " The Zairas body was  cut off half and half.

Mirror man got the victory!



The battle ended. SGM members   were relived to return in safe. Murakami Cheif quietly said," we should rely  on the power of SGM's science for the real victory.Otherwise we would  not gain anything."


The peace came again. 


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