The review of Mirrorman for overseas fans.
Episode 28: A challenge from a Killer monster.
This episode is written by the famous writer,Mr.Hiroyasu Yamaura.Mirrorman's scripts are a jewel box filled with joy ,anger,sorrow,and struggle of us ,human being.It is a bit regret that this TV program is only regared as super hero story. Watching carefully,we find all staff try to carry something important to all generations. This episode shows the nice reliance between Dr.Mitarai and Kyotaro.both of whom are struggling to fight against invaders.There is some suffering ,frustlation,and joy among them- that is why Mirrorman is superior to any Japanese SFX. Mr.Nobuyuki Ishida ,in spite of the dangerous situations,perfectedly performed in this episode. Look!


Kyotaro was announced by invaders.;At Ashinoko lake ,at just12:00, a strong monster called killer Gon would be sent to him to kill Mirrorman. When Kyotaro told it to Dr. Mitarai, the doctor said to him “it was a trap of the invaders.Never go!” The doctor commanded the members of SGM to repulse killer Gon with jumbo phoenix. Killer Gon appeared at 12:00! Murakami and Fujimoto let killer Gon retreat by missile strikes.However, the chief ,Murakami suspected Killer Gon was not the one which so easily withdrew.


On the other hand, as the doctor knew the aggressive character of Kyotaro, he secretaly asked Asako to go to department store and enjoy shopping together.Asako enjoyed shopping and eating ice cream ,totally relaxed, but from the speaker device of the department store, the eerie voice of an invader roared,” Mirror man is a coward. For fear of killer Gon, he did not come out. Chiken!”Hearing the voice, Kyotaro left Asako behind, and went to somewhere.


He transformed himself into Mirrorman to fight against killer Gon. Killer Gon is the powerful monster which enables itself to generate high electric current from the body. Its arms were like the whips. With the arms, it beated Mirrorman violently.As his body had the energy timer bomb, Mirrorman’s movements were limited.Killer Gon knew the weak point. At last.Mirrorman had no choice but to retreat. Kyotaro came back from the lake, with his body seriously injured.In a medical room of SGM basement, medical treatment was carried out


When Kyotaro got up ,he said to Miratai,” Next chance,I will knock down theMonster!” Dr.Mitarai slapped kyotaro’s face and said” SGM does not need a recklessman in defiance of our orders. Go out from here!” Kyotaro decided to leave SGM, returning a badge of SGM.Soon, the invader’s spaceships appeared in Yokohama Port and killer Gon appeared too.Jumbo phoenix intercepted it, but the ammunition lessened and hit by the mysterious ray from Killer Gon. SGM faced the desperate situations!

The Members of SGM expected the appearance of Mirrorman, but Dr. Mitarai remained silent.Kyotaro returned a badge of SGM ,and said quietly to Dr. Mitarai “There is no way to do but to leave SGM.” He transformed himself into Mirror man. Killer Gon having been a strong monstert, but ,being careful about the arms of the whips, Mirrorman fought back and succeeded in defeating it by Miracle kick..


Dr. Mitarai rushed by car to Yokohama Port and looked for Kyotaro.He found Kyotaro laying down at the port and supported his body. Kyotaro apologized to a doctor” I had no way but to fight KillerGon!”The doctor lightly claps Kyotaro’ shoulder and applauds,” You are a excellent member of SGM. Let’s go together. ” The two persons disappeared, making up their minds to fight together against invaders.