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“To err is human, to forgive, divine.” ― Alexander Pope, from An Essay on Criticism

This phrase means a humanbeing always makes mistakes and only god forgives the error. Of all the episodes of Mirrorman,this episode No.35 clearly shows this phrase. Fujimoto  made a serious mistake in episode 34; he shot Mirrorman and

injured him deadly. Mirrorman was  cared in SGM basement,but only god knew

if ,or not, he recovered .Mr.Kentaro kudo's exqusite performance deeply described Fujimoto's  struggle as a human being.Mr.Synnya Wazaki as Murakami Chief, in spite of the dangerous situations, tried to save  Fujimoto  as much power as he had. You watch the last scene and will know if or not God helps all of them!

アレクサンダー法王が論評の中で書いた フレーズ、”人は過ちを犯したもう。神がそれを許される”は人は絶えず過ちを犯すもので神のみぞそれを許されるという名文句である。ミラーマンのエピソードの中で35話はまさにこのフレーズを見せている。34話で藤本がミラーマンを誤って撃ってしまい重傷を負わせた。ミラーマンはSGMでケアが施されたが助かるかどうかわからない。工藤堅太郎氏の絶妙な演技が人間としての苦悩を描き出していた。村上チーフ役の和崎俊哉氏も(ストリー上の)危険な状況の中で藤本を必死で救おうとする。神が彼らを救うかどうかはラストシーンで見てほしい。

Episode 35: SGM Desparate Strategy


Fujimoto who had fallen into the trap of invaders attacked Mirrorman by mistake.The mirror man did not move deadly.Jumbo Phoenix carried Mirrorman to the base . SGM members provided medical care, but ,without the proper therapeutic method, they were agonized. Because Mirrorman was not a human being. The pulse of Mirrorman became gradually weak, and all SGM could do was to just watch it.


Fujimoto requested Dr. Mitarai to punish himself and expel from SGM. for he did not think his apology meant the total responsibility.However, the doctor believed no SGM members had right to blame Fujimoto ,because he did for the peace of the earth. Yasuda reported an big earthquake occurred around, Shinjiku Tokyo, while the condition of Mirrorman was getting worse. The vibration of the earthquake seemed different from the normal one. The monster, Mogura King emerged from the underground ! Dr.Mitarai gave SGM members an order to repulse the monster.Murakami said to Fujimoto, “ The error in the battle field should be compensated in another. This is the rule.”


Jumbo Phoenix launched ,but as there were high buildings, they were forced to change the way to attack; the portable missile attacks from the ground.Fujimoto and Yasuda tried to repulse Mogra King with the missiles, but they could not have effective range. When Fujimoto approached closely alone, he got injured , having receiving the blast of the building debris which Mogura King broke.


 Then, finally the heartbeat of Mirrorman stopped. All SGM members deeply sorrowed.From Yasuda ,Fujimoto was informed of the Mirrorman’s death. The moment ,he lost self-control and dashed to the forest around the SGM basement. Yasuda and Nomura tried to console Fujimoto in vain. Fujimoto board the jumbo phoenix 2nd unit and challenged it alone. Mogra King had tough skin, it did not move an inch for missile strikes. Fujimoto finally decided to do Suicide Attack!. A storm passed and surprisingly Mirrorman came back to life with his eyes filled with bright light. Dr.Mitarai was surprised to see the miracle and shouted,” Stand up, Miirrorman! Please fight for the peace of the earth! ” In spite of the happiness in the SGM basement, the Fujimoto’s decision remained unchanged. Murakami shouted “Stop,Fujimoto Get out from the fighter immediately!”Other members also said” Mirrorman came back to life! So please return!”There was no way to stop Fujimoto.


Kyotaro transformed himself from Mirrorman but he was terribly at a loss to see the critical state of SGM. Kyotaro recognized he must save Fujimto’s Life!He transformed into Mirrorman again. The moment the 2nd unit of the fighter almost collided the monster,Mirrorman caught itIn the air. Yes! Fujimoto’s life was saved by a hairbreadth.Mirrorman challenged again and finally defeated Mogura King with mirror knife and horizontal cutter Fujimoto muttered,” Mirrorman ,You, A guy …”.

© 2013 xyossiy

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