The review of Mirrorman for overseas fans.

The outline of Mirrorman
Mirrorman - the story of our joy and struggle.
ミラーマンの概要 ミラーマン その喜びと葛藤の物語
"Mirrorman "of the Thubraya Production Hero Series was on the air in 1971-1972.Not alike UltraMan series,it puts emphasis on the dramatic story.In those days, the TV programs were competitive ,especially in ones for children.So all staff of" Mirrorman" were enthusiastic to create the program, even now it is one of the prominent TV programs of Japan.
There is much to talk about Mirror man. Looking at every scene, the episodes of script, mainly written by Mr. Hiroyasu Yamauchi, are great and Mr. Yoshiyuki Kuroda from Daiei Co,.ltd ,the main director is still well-known for “Daimajin.”
But for as I see, as my personal view, the actors and actresses took a great role to make this program superb. They were the group of the new hero and experts who took much endeavor to establish its legendary history .
Mirrorman is the TV program of the super hero in which kyotaro kagami (Mirrorman) attacks and blasts Invaders .However,there is a decisive difference we should not ignore ;in those days,1970s,there was no computer graphic ,no degital cameras, so the actors and actresses are required to act more carefully and more dynamically, sometimes forced to act in dangerous situations without CG. One mistake means more wasted films and losting thier job .In the sense,not same as actors nowadays,they must have been the excellent experts of movies.
When you watch Mirrorman.I suggest you carefully watch the character's emotion ,camara faces,and superb action scences by Mr.Kentaro kudo and Mr.Nobuyuki Ishida. They struggle ,suffer,smile,sorrow,and often cry,-all these are the backbone of Mirrorman.
So, surely you willl find the passionate spirits of all staff of Mirror man.
Let's enjoy MirrorMan world together !
ミラーマンを見る際には俳優の感情や カメラフェイスや石田氏や工藤氏の素晴らしいアクション演技をみていただきたい。彼らは苦しみ、微笑み、悲しみ、泣く、。これらすべてがミラーマンのバックボーンである。ミラーマンのスタッフの熱いスピリットを感じるだろう。ミラーマンの世界を一緒に見てみよう!
The episode guide (openning )

In the 1980s, abnormal phenomena often occurred in all of the world
Dr. Mitarai, the international astrophysical authority warned that the signs were a crisis of the earth.
He organized an investigation organization S.G.M(Science Guard Members) and built the research institute in the basement of the own residence.
A photographer, Kyotaro Kagami, of a newspaper publisher was taken over after death of mother, Yuko who was an assistant of Dr. Mitarai. Dr.Mirarai brought up Kyotaro in the same house as a member of his family.
One day Kyotaro was injured by a strange phenomenon during the research of mysterious tornado,but he found some sparkle of a mysterious mirror helped him .Fujimoto of SGM came over to the survey of the tornado damage , continuing further analysis in the SGM basement.
On the film which Kyoto Taro photographed, a mystery person never seen in the tornado area appeared .
Hearing a story of Kyoto Taro, Dr.Mitarai decided to talk about his natal secret.;the father of Kyotaro "was “Mirrorman" who came over from the different dimension world (2nd dimensions) to defend the earth against Invaders .Unfortunately, his father lost his life by the stratagem of the invaders.
Miratai told Kyotaro was inherited the power as the Mirror man from father, too. Though Kyotaro was much confused, his father sent a message ,"you fight against an invader as a mirror man on behalf of me". The invaders hit him again to recaptures the film. Surprisingly the invaders transformed themselves into a huge monster. Kyotaro heard his father’s voice and transformed himself into Mirrorman!
Yes! From this episode 1, the fierce battles begin in the Mirror man's world!