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Episode 44:Dangerous resque project.

Most of the Mirrorman's episodes are of the battles between Mirror man and  the monsters,however only these series makes audiences bored.The scriptwriter is estimated if he is talented,or not.Mr. Bunzo Wakatuki as well  as Mr.Hiroyasu Yamauchi  is a nice  script writer,completed  this unique episode of resque project.The situation of SGM members are severe,but by any means  they succeed in resquing a  girl in the appartment house filled with much dangerous situations. Mr.Hajime Sugiyama ,who is a modest actor,took a great role in every scene.   Watch the SGM's heat spirits!





One day,a boy and a girl played peacefully in the apartment of the downtown area. From the space, a invader’s spaceship was coming down to the earth, and it finally entered into the apartment ;the great disaster occurred .


The elder brother of the girl claimed to Kyotaro that there was a younger sister under the debris of the crashed apartment house. As for Kyoto Taro saw, it became clear that the place where the girl was staying  was more severe . Even if the crane to move the spaceship was not available. However, Dr. Mitarai commanded the members to save the girl by any means. He sent Yasuda to rescue the girl in the very dangerous situations.


As the battle became fierce,the vibration of it gives rise to the collapse

of the apartment houses.

Unfortunately, the big iron frames  was destroyed  by Boazaurus,It slanted to the apartment .MIrrorman

supported it ,but Boazaurus  repeatedly hit Mirrorman  who could not avoid anything.


Jumbo phoenix ,the jet fighter attcked the monster

to protect Mirrorman with missiles.

The monster ran away to the space.


Murakami & Fujimoto tried to support the iron frame with wire,but in vain.



Mirrorman kept supporting the iron frame from the end  of battle against Boazaurs,but

his color timer begun to warn he has little energy   


Time  is limited.


Still, Yasuda,never giving up,reached his hand to the girl. He tried again and again.


God blessed them,finally,Yasuda succeeded in touching her fingers!





SGM hurried to the residence immediately. Unfortunately a girl became the victim in the accident of the spaceship ,with her buried below much debris. Furthermore, to make matters worse, the spaceship is about to drop gradually.


The subtle invaders did not miss the chance to attack, .Some human type invaders

Transformed into a big monster, ”BoaZaurus”. The monster was controlled  by invaders

to disturb SGM’s project. Kyotaro instantly transformed himself into Mirrorman to defend the apartment houses almost destroyed.


O n the other hand,Yasuda had difficuly in looking for the girl in the dark place.Around Yasuda,there piled much stones and debris preventing him from resquing her.Finally

the girl's voice heared Yasuda!

He approched to the voice ,then  recongnized  her figure.

Fujimoto ,returned to the ground from Jumbo Phoenix ,joined the Yasuda

 They  all encouradged  her and made her calm down ,singing songs.


 It was the victory of SGM .They

completed the severe mission,never giving up.

Dr.Mitarai smiled  with full of joy,

thanking for the members brave behaivior.

Kyotaro also relieved to see the girl's smile and the parents' joy.


The battle continued endlessly. 


© 2013 xyossiy

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