The review of Mirrorman for overseas fans.
Episode 14:Defeat ”King Zaiger.”
Mirrorman's episodes are inflenced by the descripton of JIdaigeki (Japanese traditional movies or Samurai movies.) Daiei Co.,ltd created many Jidaigeki
movies at that time. When anyone talks about JIdaigeki,surely they say
"Zatou Ichi" , "Kogarashi Monjiro", "Nemuri Kyoshiro" and so on. In fact,in 1970s ,there were many TV Jidaigeki televised . This episode No.14 includes some taste of JIdaigeki. Looking at Mirrorman's movement when battling,he always kept proper distance between him and the monstor.Besides that ,when Mirrorman lost sight with the venom of King Zaiger,we can see Mirrrorman moves alike Zatouichi. Such taste we enjoy in Mirrorman.
ミラーマンの物語は時代劇の描写の影響を受けている。当時大映は多くの時代劇を生み出していた。誰もが時代劇を語るに座頭市 木枯し紋次郎 眠狂四郎などを口にする。1970年代には多くのTV時代劇が放映された。ミラーマンの14話は時代劇の味わいを持っている。戦闘シーンのミラーマンの動きをみるとミラーマンと怪獣に常に間合いをとっている。その上ミラーマンがキングザイガーの毒液で視力を失うとミラーマンは座頭市のような動きになる。このような味わいをミラーマンで見ることができるのだ。


Kyotaro awaked by his father's voice.His father warned that invaders would send a very strong monster ,named "King Zaiger".It is very strong ,there is a few who can defeat it in the outer space."

One night, a meteo went down to the volcano ,Nasudake of Japan.
Murakami ,Fujimoto and Kyotao rushed there to find KingZaiger digging
tunnels to underground.
The moment they found the shadow of the monster,human type invaders appeared to disturb SGM analysis.
Murakami &Fujimoto fight together,and Kyotaro transformed into Mirrorman without being
noticed by them.

The heat ray was so powerful that Mirrorman staggerd . He grabbed the monster's body ,the moment King zaiger splashed the green venom to Mirrorman's face.
He groaned and said," I can'tsee anything"
Fujimoto was looking for Kyotaro and found his body
lying on the ground.
Kotaro called Fujimoto's help and apologized his reckless behaivor.
Fujimoto contacted Murakami to resque him.

Kinzaiger's movement stoped for a moment!
This chance Mirrorman did not miss - King Zaiger splashed Heat ray again.
Mirrorman opened the defence Mirror to reflect the ray. It was successful and again dispersed Silver Cross!
Kingezaiger exploded and surrounded by the fire,it fell down to the gound.
Finally Mirrorman got the victory with humanbeings.

But.he added if kyotaro fought with human being ,he would have a chance to defeat Kingzaiger.
Kyotaro told Dr.MItarai that he would surely knock it out,but Mitarai attentively asked kyotaro to cope with it.

Mirrorman bravely started to fight KIngZaier.But the monster
was more crafty than he guessed.
Mirrorman shot Mirror knives to the monster.KingZaiger fell down to the ground. As soon as Mirrrorman left the field.Kingzaiger suddenly shot the heat ray from the mouth.
Mirrorman got the big damage,but he counterattacked
with Slicer V and Silver Closs.
Surprisingly all his wepons were
reflected by the big scissors- useless!

When kyotaro was cared by Murakami & Fujimoto,they were attacked again by human type invaders .
Kyotaro's sight was not still recoverd,he had no choice but to fight Kingzaiger again.He decided to fight with the help of only sound .

Mirror man heard the sound of KingZaiger's foot. and approached to the monster.
CraftyKingazaiger recongnized Mirrorman's movement,splashing the heat ray to all direcitons. Rocks and stones exploded and the siuations got worse to Mirrorman.He could not hear the sound of KingZaiger.
Mirorman was in danger again.
Murakami shout to Fujimoto"Save
Fujimoto shot a rifle fire to the monster.